Quotes ‘n’ Thoughts #20 : Humble Beginnings

"Every giant tree was once a tiny seed" — Surya Ramachandran History is rich with remarkable examples of giants who have had humble beginnings. It can be extremely frustrating when we go through the struggles of a rookie trying to make a name for themselves in the playground. During such hopeless times, when we fear... Continue Reading →

Quotes ‘n’ Thoughts #17 : You

You are a unique piece that completes the pretty picture puzzle called reality.-Surya Ramachandran Past month has been one of the busiest ever in my life. I have settled down to a new chapter in life with the blessings and prayers of those around me. As I observe my continuously evolving reality, I want to... Continue Reading →

Quotes ‘n’ Thoughts #16 : Cherish

Cherish what you hold dear. Take not for granted what's near. Background image - free from pixabay. This post summarizes the lesson I learnt from what happened to the bougainvillea that once flourished in my garden. Most often, we take for granted those that exist right before our eyes. We expect them to be there... Continue Reading →

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