
Numbers and equations Concepts, hefty calculations May seem to inspire little emotions ; Beauty in them can be found with patience. The unknown is a fascinating torture, Tackling the mysteries of nature Is the mortal - a blessed creature And student of the enigmatic teacher That is the known universe, In whom she'd blissfully immerse... Continue Reading →

Map Of The Soul : Persona

On March 11th 2019, the most engaged side of twitter - that of BTS ARMY - was buzzing with excited discussions on philosophy and psychology, particularly that of one of the most iconic psychoanalysts ever - Carl Jung. One may ask what prompted the globally and demographically diverse fandom of the current biggest 'boyband' (the... Continue Reading →

A Prayer for Purification

via Daily Prompt: Unseen Guided by unseen forces From sacred inner sources, Bring life to the Angels And death to the Devils! May the light within Light the world without! -Surya Ramachandran We all are on a constant war..War within ourselves. War with ourselves. The constant battle to tame our inner devils, and rejuvenate our... Continue Reading →

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