Old is Gold

Hello! If you’d love to read more of my old posts, but finds scrolling down the homepage to find them cumbersome, then you’ve come to the right place. I shall leave here the links to the oldest posts that lie forgotten in the dusty archive of this blog. Some of these are my favorites and are in need of more love, appreciation and constructive criticisms. I’ll be immensely glad if you read them and let me know your frank thoughts.

The Daily Dilemma :  To sleep or not to sleep -that is the question.

The Man Who Rolled Stones : The legend and the lesson behind the laughter of a lunatic.

Daily Prompt: Man, you are just a mortal! : A poem to remind ourselves that we are just mortals…Why then this ostentatious display?

The Lone Wolf Quote #1 : A motivational quote meant to make your tough days better.

A (Personal) Protest : An unpopular opinion, wherein I’m calling out all copycats.

12 Strange and Curious Fields of Study : Get to know some ‘oologies’ !

The noise that was the voice : When American astronomers Robert Woodrow Wilson and Arno Allan Penzias found a certain annoying ‘noise’ interfering the sounds from space, they went about cleaning the pigeon droppings on the horn antennae…This is the story behind one of the landmark discoveries in modern science.

Poetry on a Rainy Day : A short poem inspired by a rainy day..

With just 5 seconds and 5 words, he took a nation by storm : It took hardly 5 seconds for this young mystic in saffron robes to conquer the hearts of 7000 people comprising of intellectuals and religiously inclined, who had gathered  at the Art Institute of Chicago for the Parliament of the World’s Religions, 1893. How did he do that?

My Interior World : A glance at my interior world..(poetry)

A Tribute To My Grandmother : Wherein I fondly remember my maternal grandmother, who passed away four year ago..

Crossing the Horizon – A Tryst at Dawn : A poem on the tryst at dawn, between the Sun and the Moon.

108 = Cosmos = God : On why the number ‘108’ could be the universal representation of the absolute truth.

Given Uneven : A poem on uneven/unequal relationships.

Anima and Animus : Recognizing and celebrating the woman in every man, and the man in every woman.

The Exposed Scars : A poem about a girl who overcame hurdles and survived the scars of betrayal.

Meet The Three Wise Monkeys! : The symbolism behind the three monkeys often associated with Mahatma Gandhi.

The phone call : The phone always rings when I don’t want it to…

The Yellow Rose : A ‘friendship’ poem

Single & virgin by choice : There are some solid reasons why some of us are still single..and/or are virgins.

Metamorphosis : True Love is that which makes a girl a beautiful, confident woman..

Shiva – The Symbolism : The ‘Annihilator’ of the universe is one of the most powerful symbolism ever..An attempt to understand ‘Shiva’.

My Sensitivity is My Strength : A poem celebrating my sensitivity.

I’m not a feminist because…  : Well..read to find out 😉

The Swing : Happiness comes from within..

The Prism of Humanity : Celebrating the unity in diversity of humanity.

Apophenia…Finding meaning in the ‘meaningless’ : The title says it all..

Freedom  : My take on freedom of speech and expression and the utopian world resulting from it (poetry).

Toxic Ecstasy : I wrote this poem when I couldn’t bear to withhold the heartbreaking pain and sincere concern towards my fellow humans who have fallen victim to drug abuse. While I’m not expecting this poem to open their eyes, I hope that it could at least let them know how much their actions are hurting the ones who hold them dear.

To my little brother… : A poem dedicated to my dearest Sayooj – one of the joys of my life (for several reasons, this is one of my most favorite posts ever).

An appeal to my ‘Imagination’ : A poem on my ‘complicated’ relationship with my own imagination (another one of my most favorite posts).

Sacrifice : My reflection on the idea of sacrifice. If at all this can motivate the reader at least a teeny bit, I’ll be one of the happiest people in the world. This might be my most favorite of all the poems I’ve posted here.


I shall update the list in due course of time. Please share and support this little aspiring writer. Your every page view, comment, like and share means a lot to me.

Thank you.








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