Confession of a forgetful blogger

It was supposed to be just another ordinary day. I woke up at around 5:45 am and carried out my daily routines in a robotic fashion. My only concern then was securing a seat in the crowded bus I take to travel more than an hour to reach the coaching institute I'm studying at. These... Continue Reading →

A confession of an uninspired poet

I miss those good old days When my heart spoke without break When my mind cleared new ways And impromptu lines it would make But nowadays, something holds me back Struggling to find a new motif to write There is something I seem to lack A 'thing' that has left my sight.   I realized... Continue Reading →


I hide my feelings behind a veil Smiling with eyes that's nearing to tear Up, like a dam awaiting to be opened, When in a quiet room, left all alone With a pen and paper to jot down, Giving names and forms to the chaotic thoughts That plunder this heart to inexplicable loss, I try... Continue Reading →

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