Bloggers Recognition Award!

Today, I received a most delightful surprise! I’ve been nominated for the Bloggers Recognition Award by Varun of  My Art & Me . I feel deeply appreciated and honored. This nomination is the very first one in my venture as a newbie blogger. It fills my heart with utmost joy to know that my blogging family truly enjoy visiting my humble blog. Thank you all, and I love you ! 😊

Varun has a truly awesome blog. His main focus is poetry. His verses are exceptionally beautiful and imaginative. Apart from tender human feelings like love, loneliness and happiness, Varun also explores philosophy and spirituality. And he is into anime and manga too. I strongly urge you to read his blog here :


The rules for accepting this award are as follows.

  1. Give thanks to the person who had nominated you and a link to their blog.
  2. Write a post to show your award.
  3. Briefly tell how you started blogging.
  4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award.
  6. Comment on the nominated blogs and let them know you have nominated them and give a link to the post you have created.


The Beginning – How I started blogging

I was actually planning to devote a post exclusively for this. May be I’ll do it one day. For now, I’ll brief about my beginning as a blogger.

I started blogging somewhere in first week of November 2016, after a very long deliberation with myself and my parents. I had been entertaining the thought of blogging for years, but procrastinated the idea due to several reasons. Being a very introverted person, I was very reluctant to open my heart to others. I used to write all my pieces of inspiration and inner thoughts in a notebook, and would share it only with my family and closest friends. But I wasn’t really happy. It was contradictory…Although I was reluctant  to open myself to others, I also yearned to share my reflections with the world..

But then I had a few changes and transitions in my life. That’s when I realized that I desperately need to ‘talk to the world’. I don’t know if this sounds crazy or silly, but I found blogging to be a perfect means to combat my own inner devils.. Lucky I may be in several other aspects of life, but I felt deeply deficient in being surrounded with people who share my interests and likes. Through this blogging platform, I could connect with like-minded individuals, who have even more amazing stories to tell and inspiring experiences to share. I feel blessed now, because I have found a home here in wordpress, where I can return to share my chaotic thoughts, stories, and lessons.


Two pieces of advice for new bloggers :

Since I’m still new to blogging, I cannot really advise. I’m a novice who is slowly learning the rules of the game. But I can give two suggestions :

  1.  Be passionate about what you write.  The feelings we put in while writing something can be, or rather, should be felt by the reader. This happens automatically if we are writing with our heart and soul. My mother (who also writes) tells me frequently that writing an original article/poetry/prose is like giving birth to a child..There is an emotional connection or bond formed,  striving to deliver it with full, healthy form and shape. Enjoy the process!
  2. Explore the blogging community! The community is as wide as the ocean, and we may never see the end of it. But, devote your time to read other blogs, to like and to comment. This is a great way to make friends from different cultural backgrounds who share similar tastes.


I nominate the following bloggers for the award :

  1. thinkinkadia
  2. Life Less Ordinary
  3. Jibber Jabber with Sue
  5. Thinking Clearly
  6. Masala Vegan
  7. Random Thoughts and Musings
  8. Soulful Poetry
  10. The Quirky Life of P
  12. karmaofpeace
  14. Your Nibbled News
  15. My First 10,000 Photos

All these blogs are remarkable. The blogs listed here belong to different niches and genres, from spirituality to photography, poetry and recipes. I request you to go through them all! They all are splendid in their own ways. I really enjoy reading them.

How I wish I could nominate more!😣 There are many more amazing bloggers out there.. Each blogger is unique and has something new to offer. So, do explore and enjoy!

Happy Blogging!


With Lots of Love,


31 thoughts on “Bloggers Recognition Award!

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  1. Hi Surya, I love to read your post. I had the similar experience. For years, I had notes, journals, something written in my computer. But I didn’t know how to share my thoughts. I tried to start my blog in July 2011. I still didn’t know what I should or shouldn’t put in my blog. I was a very private person for a long time. I made several posts until 2014, then took a long break. Came back blogging in July 2016. Somehow I just took off. I’m glad you also took off and had a beautiful blog.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Miriam!
      It makes me really happy to know that you love to read my thoughts…I love to read yours too, and your photos provide delightful insights. Along with several other fellow bloggers, I too am immensely glad that you decided to share them with us. The joy of being able to give pieces of our inner selves to those who are willing to receive them, is something remarkable. I’m still discovering that joy, little by little. 😊
      I’m still holding back certain facets of myself, which I hope to release some day…

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much for your kind words. 😊The advices or suggestions are actually the resolutions I made for myself when I started blogging..To write passionately and to explore the blogosphere. I really enjoy doing both!

      Liked by 1 person

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