The Photograph

I found myself on a visit to the house of a family friend, of whom neither name nor face I could recollect. I stood in that old house like a stranger, while my parents listened keenly to the uncle who owned the place. I watched the shadows  dance on the worn out walls of the room dimly lit with an oil lamp, rendering the modern house an ancient feel. I wondered why they didn’t have an inverter or an emergency lamp to deal with power cuts. It was eerie, with the clock having struck 10 pm, and the cloudy sky refusing to let out the moon shine.

That was when I overheard their conversation.

“…We tried many things. Consulted several capable astrologers. All of them reached the same conclusion. That there is a disturbed spirit haunting this place. We have sought the service of a distinguished sorcerer from the south. He has agreed to help us soon”.

Maybe it was the chilling wind..I felt a shiver down my spine.

I was looking out to the blackness of the backyard, standing near the kitchen door, while my mother spoke to the uncle’s wife. That was when I suddenly found my voice remarking, as if in an automated response.

“This is crazy. I do believe in souls. But not in ghosts. I do not believe in them, not unless I see them with my own eyes”.

Everyone stared. The skeptic inside me was thoroughly displeased with the idea of a spirit who had no better job to do than haunt a house such as that. Maybe, they did have an inverter or an emergency lamp. Maybe the ghost thought that an electrically well- lit modern home was no suitable setting for its horror play..

I amused myself with such propositions.

Surprisingly, no one corrected or argued..Not even my parents. No answer was given. Everyone went back to their own business. And I stood silent, watching the blackness that engulfed half of the house.

When the clock struck 11 pm, we decided that it was time to leave. We said goodbyes and proceeded to our car parked in the front. My father handed me his phone for a while, and I noticed that the gallery was open.

Apparently, someone (either my father or my brother) had fancied the idea of clicking a few photographs of the front yard that drowned in darkness. I glanced at the photos one by one, wondering what anyone could possibly find in that pitch black pictures. I was about to return the phone to my father when I noticed the last shot.

It was obviously taken from the gate, for the front view of the house could  be traced in the moonlight that had somehow pierced through the clouds then. But it wasn’t the moonlit appearance of the house or that of its strangely pitch black interior that sent the chill down my spine..It was the presence of a lady in white, standing at the far right end of the photo, that made me feel light, boneless, and bloodless.

I saw her face…an unrecognizable face that was round and glorious like the full moon. It was beautiful…she was beautiful..

I had received my answer.  It had come as a jolt.

All I knew was that my life wouldn’t be the same anymore. All I knew was that I would see her every night, when I stare at the darkness that lurk outside my windows.

I knew I could never forget her in my life..not even after the sorcerer manages to exorcise her out of that cursed place.

I felt the wind brushing my face..I could hear no one..See no one..And I stood still, pale and numb, staring at the curtain of  eerie darkness that was before me…

That was when I heard the voice…the voice that I knew was from the depth of my consciousness..

“It’s alright..You are dreaming…Everything will be the same when you open your eyes”.

Sure enough, my half-open eyes sensed the sunlight streaming through the windows. I found myself on my cozy bed, and I took my phone out to have the lovely sight of my Lord’s picture. The clock showed 6:18 am.

I heaved a sigh of relief…For I knew that my life will be the same as before.

I had this dream/nightmare a few days ago.  It was one of the most vivid ones I had ever had in my life. It was surreal..and haunting. It is very difficult to put certain experiences in words, especially with a limited vocabulary.

In a way, I’m glad that that was just a dream. Had it been real, I would have been so transformed to the core. For I know that the next thing I’ll do, would be to study sorcery and demonology.😅

Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever had any paranormal experience? I’d love to know your thoughts on this.



Featured image from public domain :

The Moon and the Clouds. by Andy


17 thoughts on “The Photograph

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  1. I remember seeing the misty image of my aunt walk through the living room of a student housing unit I was staying in as a grad student. No one else was there and I wasn’t afraid. My parents called later and said that she had died recently.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Very nice piece of writing! I had goosebumps! I have had an experience with a; “presence” when I lived in England. A figure sat down on the edge of my bed. I could not see the person clearly but I believe it was a man and he was reading a book. My house was well over a hundred years old so it did not surprise me that there would be spirits there. I also had no sense of fear about this spirit. I asked someone I knew who dealt with such things to come to my house and see if the spirit could be contacted. My friend came and told me that the man had cared for someone who had died in that room and had sat on the edge of their bed and read to them from a bible. The spirit would see to it that no harm came to me while I lived in that house. During the time I lived there I had good health and was very happy. There are things that are beyond our understanding and for me that was one of them. But I did not doubt it.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Arigato, Tama-san…Yeah…it was very creepy..especially because the dream felt highly realistic..There was no bound to the relief I felt when I woke up.
      Lucky you are to be free from ghostly dreams.😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow powerful stuff! Yes, I once had a presence come and sit on the end of my bed ( I couldn’t open my eyes) in an old house where we lived and I often felt a ” presence” behind me. It was scary and yet I never felt threatened. 😃🐻

    Liked by 2 people

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