An Open Letter to 2016

via Daily Prompt: Year

Dear 2016,

I want you to know that I love you for the sweet memories that you had given me, although I hate you for all those bitter ones..Yet, I’m sure I’ll miss you. You had given me life changing lessons, and I’m immensely grateful to you for that.

I’ll remember you for guiding me out of my teens to enter a new phase of life called ‘adulthood’. You had given me insight to figure out the reality of my friendships, lending me strength to break free from toxic ones, and to forge unexpected new ones. You had taught me the need to accept certain realities, and to love people unconditionally, which I’m trying sincerely to do. You had also reminded me of old friends who still love and care deeply for me.

You had given me a rather confusing bundle of thoughts and emotions…I’m still trying to untangle them, tame them, and figure out myself. In the process, you gave me the opportunity and timing to start my new journey on self-expression via blogging. I should say that that was one of the best turning points of my life. Above all,  you had brought me closer to my Lord, day by day.

I learnt a lot from your lessons..I might have a few regrets, like how I could have done this or that better. But, I’m glad you came to my life and touched it in the most unforgettable ways. When you leave my side, I want you to know that the next time I hold my pen to jot down the date, I’ll impulsively write your name..and that I’ll remember you with nostalgia, each time I watch the rain..

Thank you for everything.

With lots of Love,




Happy New Year to you and to your dear and near ones! Don’t forget to learn new things this year, to acquire new skills, and to rekindle your relationships! This new year is a brand new opportunity to rejuvenate ourselves. All we need are three ingredients :

  1. Iccha sakthi (strength of will)
  2. Jnana sakthi (strength of wisdom/knowledge)
  3. Kriya sakthi (strength of purified action)

All the best for your new endeavours!

8 thoughts on “An Open Letter to 2016

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      1. I know… right!? read so many times in sahasranamas and other spiritual texts. It’s good to see someone else talk about it too. 🙂
        Thank you.. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

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